Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass #4) Recenze
úterý 15. září 2015
Pokud nežijete v naprosté izolaci od světa anglofonních YA autorů, nejspíše jste nepřehlédli, že 1. září vyšel mnohými velmi očekávaný čtvrtý díl série Throne of Glass autorky Sarah J. Mass(pro ty, jenž neholdují angličtině se již série překládá - první kniha Skleněný trůn je již dostupná v knihkupectvích a pokud internet nelže, což by snad neměl, tak 1. prosince 2015 vyjde v českém překladu i kniha druhá s názvem Koruna z temnoty) s názvem Queen of Shadows.Jelikož ráda čtu knihy anglicky, neváhala jsem a předobjednala si knihu na Bookdepository. Ano, než ke mě přišla, tak to chvíli trvalo, ano, neměla jsem ji v rukou hned prvního září, ale i tak je pro mě Bookdepository většinou jasná volba, pokud se mám rozhodnout, kde nakoupit nově vydané knížky.Dlouho jsem uvažovala nad tím, zda recenzi sepsat v angličtině či češtině. No a pokud tot právě čtete, tak je vám asi jasné, která možnost u mě zvítězila.Queen of Shadows je kniha značně dlouhá, ano, má téměř 650 stran, což možná není nejhorší, protože my, zápalení fantasy maniaci už jsme četli mnohem delší knihy (díky pane Sandersone), ale i tak, většina lidí takovou knihu nepřečte za jeden den. Ani já ne, a to jsem poměrně rychlý čtenář.I předchozí kniha s názvem Heir of Fire se neřadila zrovna mezi ty nejkratší kousky YA fantasy, ale Heir of Fire byl pro mě nesmírně čtivým zážitkem, který jsem zvládla pozřít během jednoho dne (ano, byly to letní prázdniny a já měla čas x hodin v kuse číst, ale i tak). Takže si jistě dokážete představit, jak vysoké bylo mé očekávání.Pro ty, kdo vůbec neví, co čekat od série Skleněný trůn, jedná se o příběh Celaeny Sardothien, která je velmi obávanou vražedkyní, protože, jak už to v těchto knihách bývá, je velmi zručná s mečem, stejně tak je ostrá i její prořízlou pusou a pokud by snad tohle nestačilo, tak mužské obecenstvo ohromí svou krásou. Ano, ne každý máme tolik dobrého na účtě, jako ona, ale věřte, že ani to špatné se jí v životě nevyhnulo. První kniha začíná dobou, kdy je Calaena v otroctví, ale dostane se do soutěže o titul králova šampiona...A tak kráčíme s Calaenou cestou dále, až 9 měsíců od děje první knihy. Celkově musím říci, že kniha byla relativně povedená, tedy v několika ohledech: Sarah J. Maas má na kontě již pár knih a jde vidět, že její psaný projev se velmi zlepšuje. Na druhou stranu, některé věci opravdu být řečeny nemusí. To mě přívádí k mé hlavní výtce: opravdu se domnívám, že kniha by mohla být o 200 stran kratší a vůbec by ji to neuškodilo. První polovinu knihy bychom zvládli přečíst ve 100 stranách, ale tak je opravdu roztahána přes 300 stran a vy máte pocit že se nic neděje.Ale druhá polovina, ta už za to opravdu stojí. Je plná zrady, boje, podvodů, záchrany, utrpení a dokonce i nějaké té romance. Ano, věřím, že mnohý čtenář by si v druhé polovině našel to své oblíbené místečko. Ale opravdu se Vám chce na tu parádu 300 stran? To už stojí za zváženou.Měla jsem však s příběhem jeden velký problém, postavy se vůbec nechovaly tak, jak se chovaly v předchozích knihách. Ano, rozumím tomu, že se nám charakter nějak vyvíjí, ale některé osoby se prostě vyvíjely tak nereálným směrem, že celkovému vývoji postavy nešlo moc uvěřit.Abych tedy nějak uzavřela tuhle nespoilerovou část, musí říci, že jsem i přes mé lehké zklamání ráda, že jsem si tento čtvrtý díl přečetla, jelikož Throne of Glass je stále velmi povedená série a má se skládat ze 6 knih, tudíž jeden ne úplně povedený kousek mě od jejího čtení neodradí. Ale stejně si myslím, že minimálně třetí díl byl podstatně lepší, než tento čtvrtý.Mé hodnocení: 3.75/5__________________________________________________________________________________Pokud jste s příběhem obeznámeni a chcete se dozvědět více o mých myšlenkách, pokračujte dále v této spoilerové sekci!__________________________________________________________________________________Calaena už vlastně není Calaenou, ale Aelin, královnou Terrasenu, jak jsme zjistili v minulých knihách. Musím říct, že jsem Aelin opravdu neměla ráda, protože se chovala velmi povýšeně, namyšleně a někdy byla prostě vážně nesnesitelná. Mimochodem, ve čtyřech knihách vystřídat tři partnery? Za tři měsíce? Jsem jediná, komu to přijde trošičku moc?Další postavou, jejíž vývoj se absolutně netknul mého srdce, byl Chaol! Já jej zbožňuji, minimálně v prvních dvou knihách byl mé velké zlato, ale ve Queen of Shadows z něj Maas udělala ufňukance a to takového, že jsem se občas bála, aby nespáchal sebevraždu. To, jak se k sobě s Aelin v první půli knihy chovali, bylo doslova nesnesitelné, i když lehce dokážu pochopit, že po takovém "rozchodu" se chvíli museli nesnášet. Věřím, že Chaol ještě v posledních dvou knihách zazáří!Ach, princ Rowan, jej mám taky nesmírně ráda. Od té doby, co vstoupil do děje, jsem si knihu začala užívat o hodně více. Nicméně mě frustrovaly jeho pocity k Aelin, opravdu jí nedokáže žádný chlap odolat? Tajně jsem doufala, že v celé sérii bude alespoň jeden muž, se kterým Aelin zvládne udržet důležité přátelství a spojenectví, ale ne, ona prostě nutně musí chtít něco víc s každým mužským kouskem.Velmi příjemným překvapením byl vývoj Lysandry, kterou jsme mohli vidět v knize povídek The Assassin's Blade. Lysandra je kurtizána, kterou Aelin upřímně nesnášela, až do této knihy, kdy se z nich záhadně stanou kamarádky. Lysandra projde opravdu velkou proměnou, která je velmi úžasná, nicméně někdy těžko uvěřitelná. Každopádně, Lysandra je mou oblíbenou ženskou postavou a doufám, že se dočkáme hezké romance mezi ní a Aedionem, který je jednou z mých nejblíbenějších mužských postav - ještě štěstí, že je Aelinin příbuzný.Závěrečných 100 stran bylo opravdu plných akce a jsem zvědavá, kam se děj posune dál. Doufám, že si stále udržíme některé dějové linie, například linii Manon, kterou jsem v Heir of Fire prakticky nechápala, ale tady mi postupem času přirostla k srdci. Také doufám, že Elide zvládne najít Aelin a sjednotit se tak s Terrasenským dvorem. A pak také Chaol, přejme mu úplné uzdravení, a pokud mu není souzeno být hlavní mužskou postavou (přičemž stále doufám, že mu to souzeno je), nechž je šťasten s Nesryn, která vlastně taky není až tak hrozná. Dorian nechť zvládne všechny povinnosti a starosti, které mu přinese pozice krále Adarlanu a v neposlední řadě, nechť vidíme v příštích knihách sjednocený Terrasen, který bude bojovat proti zlé magii z dávných časů. No jo, jenomže pátá kniha vyjde až někdy v roce 2016, přičemž není známo ani přesné datum vydání, ani název knihy - takže ani její přebal. A tak nezbývá než čekat, těžký úděl čtenářů nedokončených sérií...Vystavil Petuli v 2:40 | Štítky: Review, Written in Czech | 0 komentářů | Odeslat e-mailem BlogThis! Sdílet na X Sdílet ve službě Facebook |
We'll Never Be Apart by Emiko Jean
středa 19. srpna 2015
This year is full of new and interesting releases. I have difficulties to choose what I want to read (yeah, because I want to read everything, so it makes it ever harder to pick!) When I was cinsidering participating in a read-a.thon that dealt with mental health, We'll Never Be Apart by Emiko Jean caught my eye. But 1. the read-a-thon took place in June I think and this book comes out Octover 6th 2015 and 2. I didn't participate anyway. But I knew I wanted to read this book.From Goodreads:Murder.
Revenge.That’s all seventeen-year-old Alice Monroe thinks about. Committed to a mental ward at Savage Isle, Alice is haunted by memories of the fire that killed her boyfriend, Jason. A blaze her twin sister Cellie set. But when Chase, a mysterious, charismatic patient, agrees to help her seek vengeance, Alice begins to rethink everything. Writing out the story of her troubled past in a journal, she must confront hidden truths.Is the one person she trusts only telling her half the story? Nothing is as it seems in this edge-of-your-seat psychological thriller from the debut author Emiko Jean.
Sounds interesting, right? I love psychological thrillers but I don't think there are many good in YA genre. And I don't think what it is about summer but I get craving for some good scary and weird story. And who doesn't like exploring the waters of new authors? I certainly do!And also, stories about sisters are usually really good! We have two sisters here - Alice and Cellie. From the beginning you will feel Cellie's craziness. She can be really scary! And she loves fire! She loves it so much that she kills Jason - Alice's boyfriend and Alice is severely injured. From that moment, Alice stays at Savage Isle (a mental ward) and she tries to deal with her sister. The problem is - she promised one thing to her - We'll never be apart!Of course, there is some romance in the story. And I have to ssay I enjoyed it, it wasn't too much and in complemented the whole storyline very well. I feel that the book is on the slower side of things. You will definitely get to know Alice, you will be really questioning her sanity - is she sane or insane? I really enjoyed the process of getting to know her but I do like more plot-driven stories so there were some 50 pages that were really slow. It could have been faster I think but if you enjoy slower stories, you could enjoy this.Of course, you can expect some twisty twist in this book, because what a psychological thriller it would be if everything was clear from the beginning. I have to say that I found out the twist on my own but it was still very scary and I appreciated it a lot.I find it very interesting to read stories from the point of view of not sane characters. The brilliant thing is that you don't really know if Alice is reliable narrator or not. So if you like questioning someone's sanity, go fir We'll Never Be Apart.And the next feature I enjoyed was the structure of chapters. In each chapter there was a present storyline told from Alice's point of view and then there was Alice's diary entry that dealt with her past. In the diary we get to know Alice, Cellie and Jason and we find out things they have done and believe me, there are some crazy things to read about!Overall, I mostly enjoyed this book. It is a solid 4-star story for me and if Emiko Jean publishes another book in the future I wouldn't be against reading it. I also appreciate the cover which is quite mysterious and really eye-catching. Because I like faster books, I couldn't give it a 5-star rating but I have to say bravo Emiko Jean - for the first book this is amazing!I received a digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion. Thank you NetGalley!Vystavil Petuli v 2:03 | Štítky: Review | 0 komentářů | Odeslat e-mailem BlogThis! Sdílet na X Sdílet ve službě Facebook |
Půlroční knižní šílenství TAG / Mid-year Book Freakout TAG
úterý 28. července 2015
Znáte to, když se na scéně objeví nový TAG a všechny vaše odběry mají najednou stejné články/videa? Někdy to bývá jemně otravné, jindy více otravné, jindy si zase rádi počtete to, co se Vám líbí. A musím říci, že zrovna tento TAG mě zaujal a líbil se mi snad ve všech provedeních, které jsem zatím viděla.Tak proč se světem nepodělit o mé myšlenky a odpovědi na zajímavé otázky.
Upozorňuji, že většinu knih jsem četla v angličtině, takže i jejich názvy budu uvádět v tom jazyce, ve kterém byly přečteny, ale věřím, že to pro nikoho nebude velkým problémem.
1. Nejlepší kniha, kterou si zatím četla v 2015
Může tady být těžší otázka? Jak si člověk může vybrat jednu knihu z toho moře knih? Těžko, ale tak pokusím se o to. První mi ovšem na mysl přichází série Mistborn Brandona Sandersona. První z knih se jmenuje The Final Empire. Pokud jste ještě o této sérii neslyšeli, což je velmi nepravděpodobné, jedné se o epickou fantasy, kde se skupina lidí snaží svrhnout zlého vládce. V celé sérii naprosto vyniká unikátní systém magie, kterým Sanderson zaujme v každé jeho knize. Opravdu, pokud máte rádi fantasy, Sanderson musí být na vašem žebříčku s jakoukoliv jeho knihou!
2. Nejlepší další kniha v sérii (čteno ve 2015)
Kdo nemiluje série, já však mám trochu zlozvyk. Mám tolik sérií rozečtených, ale nedokončených, že to snad není možné. Avšak série The Naturals mě naprosto dostala. Zatím jsou vydány dvě knihy a já je přečetla během dvou dnů! Autorkou je Jennifer Lynnes Barnes a druhý zmiňovaný díl se jmenuje Killer Instict. Celá série sleduje osudy několika mladých teenagerů, kteří mají "zvláštní" schopnosti a s jejich využitím řeší různé zapeklité zločiny. Tyto knihy jsou tak čtivé! Chytnete je do ruky a najednou je musíte dočíst! The Naturals bylo snad mé první ponoření do YA mystery/crime žánru a nelituji ničeho! Navíc, později v roce 2015 vychází třetí díl série, který prostě musím mít!
3. Nově vydaná kniha, kterou chceš přečíst
Rok 2015 je plný nových vydání. Mnoho nových knih, které jsem chtěla přečíst, jsem již přečetla, na mnoho nových knih ještě čekám, neboť nejsou ještě vydány. Momentálně je však nejvýše na mé TBR poličce kniha Paperweight od Meg Haston. Jedná se o YA contemporary, která řeší problém poruchy příjmu potravy. Navíc, přebal je naprosto nádherný.
4. Nejvíce očekávaná kniha vydaná v 2015
Jak jsem již naznačila, 2015 je plný nových vydání a já jich ještě mnoho očekávám. Snažím se zde vybrat knihu, kterou neodpovídá valná většina těch, kdo tento TAG zpracovala (ale ano, Queen of Shadows mám samozřejmě taky na radaru). Proto jsem pro tuto otázku vybrala knihu Soundless od Richelle Mead. Richelle Mead je naprosto skvělá autorka, miluji její série, tudíž je pro mě velkým překvapením, že se pouští do stand-alone knihy. Ale jak říkám, užila jsem si vše, co jsem od ní četla, tudíž jí důvěřuji. Soundless je fantasy kniha, která využívá prvky čínského folklóru. No nezní to zajímavě? Soundless vychází 10. listopadu!
5. Největší zklamání
Ač to nerada přiznávám, mám naprosto jasno. Největším zklamáním pro mě byla kniha Maggie Stiefvater, která nese název The Scorpio Races. Tato kniha byla tak dokonale nudná. Nic se v ní nedělo! Tedy, posledních 20 stran knihy se objevilo trochu akce. Pokud jste tak, jako já, na akční knihy, tak tohle raději nechte někomu jinému.
6. Největší překvapení
V posledních měsících jsem se začala více potápět do vod audio-knih. Nikdy předtím jsem si nemyslela, že bych se zvládla soustředit na mluvený text. Kupodivu, jsem toho schopná! Proto musím vyzvednout knihu, kterou jsem poslouchala a zároveň se stala mým velkým favoritem! Jedná se o Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close Jonathana Safrona Foera. Jedná se o příběh malého chlapce, kterému zemřel tatínek během teroristického útoku 9/11. Jedná se o příběh, který Vás pobaví, ale zároveň zapůsobí na Vaše emoce! Jedná se o naprosto dokonalou knihu!!
7. Oblíbený nový autor
Právě jsem dočetla trilogii Anna and the French Kiss, takže ano, miluji Stephanie Perkins! A jsem neskonale ráda, že v roce 2016 vydá novou knihu!
8. Nejnovější fiktivní zalíbení
Ach, mám tolik fiktivních boyfriendů, že vybrat jednoho je skoro jako podvádět všechny další. Ale budu se držet v rytmu předchozí otázky a odpovím Étienne St. Clair z Anna and The French Kiss! Nejde jej nemilovat, prostě nejde!
9. Nejnovější oblíbený charakter
V knižním světě je tolik postav, že nechápu, jak bych mohla vybrat pouze jednu. Prostě nemůžu vybrat pouze jednu. To opravdu nejde!
10. Kniha, která tě rozbrečela
The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini! Tuto knihu jsem četla do školy a víte, jak to bývá. To, co "musíte" číst, se vám většinou vůbec nelíbí. Ale panečku. Tato kniha je plná pocitů. Rozhodně se jedná o dospělejší četbu, ale i tak si myslím, že osloví mnoho lidí z mladšího publika. Jedná se o příběh muže, který imigroval do Ameriky, avšak jeho minulost ho táhne zpět do své domoviny. Budete chtít brečet, zvracet, ale zároveň si knihu zamilujete.
11. Kniha, která tě udělala šťastnou
I když se možná jedná o velmi jednoduchou a trapnou odpověď, šťastnou mě většinou učiní knihy, které jsou jednoduché, milé a zamilované. Někdy je krásně číst knížku, u níž máte hned od začátku jistotu, že všechno dopadne dobře. Proto bych zmínila autorky Stephanie Perkins, Kasie West a Jenny Han - jakékoliv jejich romány mi vykouzlí úsměv na rtech!
12. Nejlepší filmová adaptace
Abych pravdu řekla, moc filmových adaptací jsem letos neviděla, takže mě napadá jenom Mockingjay Part 1. Užila jsem si ho a je to pravděpodobně jediná filmová adaptace, která mě napadá, takže zde je má odpověď!
13. Nejoblíbenější článek
Já toho letos moc nenapsala. Bývaly roky a jiné blogy a příspěvky, ale 2015 je pro mě velmi slabým rokem, snad se to zlepší.
14. Nejkrásnější kniha, kterou si koupila
The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern! No, nemá prostě nádherný obal! Je tak krásná, navíc má černé stránky. Nádherně vypadá i pod přebalem! A velký bonus! Jedná se o krásnou knihu nehledě na přebal. Styl psaní je prostě nádherný, přímo magický!
15. Co musíš přečíst do konce roku
Nerada si dělám velké plány. Vím, že chci přečíst některé nově vydané knihy, chci dočíst ještě pár knih Brandona Sandersona, kterého opravdu miluji. A také se chci podívat na pár britských/amerických klasik, Přeci jenom studuji literaturu a ta se bohužel nezabývá YA a fantasy tak moc, jak bych chtěla! Škoda, měla bych být průkopník!
Doufám, že jste si tento TAG užili tak, jako já! Pokud jste jej taky nějak zpracovali, určitě se podělte o své dílo, protože tyto otázky jsou jedny z nejpovedenějších za hodně dlouhou dobu.
Vystavil Petuli v 0:44 | Štítky: Bookishly, Written in Czech | 0 komentářů | Odeslat e-mailem BlogThis! Sdílet na X Sdílet ve službě Facebook |
Read-O-Rama TBR
čtvrtek 25. června 2015
I love summer because there are soooo many read-a-thons (which means tons of reading done! YAY!). Currently I am participating in Summer Biannual Bibliothon and I am very satisfied with number of books I've read so far! So I hope I can do that well in the upcoming weak of Read-O-Rama!! (June, 28 - July, 4)As with Bibliothon, there are some challenges to help me choose the books. By the way, I don't know how I do that but no matter how much I read my TBR pile is still growing!Challenges:1. Read 7 books - honestly, I don't know about that as my books are not really short. But I do want to read Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott. This book is quite short and seems so interesting. I think LittleBookOwl was raving about it so I would really love to go through this book. It sounds mysterious and I caught myself enjoying mysteries very much! Also my friends on Goodreads wrote really good reviews on Living Dead Girl! (I will also read it in e-book form)
2. A middle-grade novelYou know that feeling when you start the series, you enjoy it pretty much but you just don't continue? Hah, sorry Percy Jackson - it's your case. So I thought I might give you another shot with The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan. I think you all know what it's about. I have to say that I don't live in the US and where I live Rick Riordan is not that popular - that's why I am starting reading him in the age of 22. I might listen to it on audio book, it will depend on how much time I will have.
3. A fantasyOkay, I love this challenge. I don't know anyone who wouldn't enjoy a well-thought world with its own rules and magic. It's like a perfect vacation! So for this one I am going to continue with #shadowhuntersummer and read City of Glass by Cassandra Clare. I hope I can get through the Shadowhunter world this summer as I postponed reading those books for too long. And they are fairly enjoyable!
4. Book with blue on the coverAs I look on my TBR pile I see the books that are quite long and not really the easiest ones. So I need something light, funny, fluffy and quick. And as I read Anna and the French Kiss recently I know this challenge belongs to Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephenie Perkins. Honestly, I cannot wait to read this, I loved Ettiene so much! So I am looking forward to getting to know my new fictional boyfriend! But this cover is awful!
5. Re-readWhat could I re-read? Huh... Of course it's going to be Harry Potter! As I read the Philosopher's Stone for Biannual Bibliothon I am going to continue with The Chamber of Secrets. As I've read Harry too many times I am going to listen to it when I work on my diploma thesis - so I don't "waste" time working as I still have to do something besides reading... bummer...
6. R-A-M-A in the title/authorMaybe it's a bit unbeliavable but I've never read anything by Jodi Picoult. And I've heard so much praise so I have this voice in my head that tells me I should do it. So, guys, let me listen to my inner voices and read Off the Page by Jodi Picoult and Samantha van Leer. It's quite a recent release so lots of booktubers speak about it these days. It's nice to know what people are talking about, right! I may start this one even before Read-O-Rama as my Bibliothon pile is almost gone and I have some more time.
7. Read an e-bookI love my e-book reader so the majority of my TBR is on my Pocketbook but I've chosen a book for this challenge and I hope to finish it! As I am currently reading Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson I want to continue with the Reckoners series. Sanderson is so good. I cannot even describe how much I love him - that man... that man... Whoa! Just! Don't! Have! Words! So Firefight is my last book to read during Read-O-Rama!
So guys! I cannot wait to continue with read-a-thoning and I hope that I don't burn myself out with reading (as after Read-O-Rama there's #AYearAThon and 3 weeks of readathoning is soooo crazy!). I love the support of the other participants because sometimes I feel I cannot push myself reading but debating and sprinting keeps me focused! See you soon!Vystavil Petuli v 1:45 | Štítky: Plans | 0 komentářů | Odeslat e-mailem BlogThis! Sdílet na X Sdílet ve službě Facebook |
Sugar by Deirdre Riordan Hall
sobota 20. června 2015
We are surrounded by models' photos... we think that their bodies are what society considers to be the ideal of beauty but sometimes we don't realize one very important thing - those girls are PHOTOSHOPED! (and honestly, when you're looking at 80 % models without makeup and pohotshop, they're not pretty!)So, when you have a book with the main character being a fat girl, it sounds kind of exciting. So when I saw Sugar, I knew I wanted to read this. Morover, this book has a GORGEOUS cover. Seriously, it's so pretty, thumbs up for that! Just look:The premise of the book:I’m the fat Puerto Rican–Polish girl who doesn’t feel like she belongs in her skin, or anywhere else for that matter. I’ve always been too much and yet not enough.Sugar Legowski-Gracia wasn’t always fat, but fat is what she is now at age seventeen. Not as fat as her mama, who is so big she hasn’t gotten out of bed in months. Not as heavy as her brother, Skunk, who has more meanness in him than fat, which is saying something. But she’s large enough to be the object of ridicule wherever she is: at the grocery store, walking down the street, at school. Sugar’s life is dictated by taking care of Mama in their run-down home—cooking, shopping, and, well, eating. A lot of eating, which Sugar hates as much as she loves.When Sugar meets Even (not Evan—his nearly illiterate father misspelled his name on the birth certificate), she has the new experience of someone seeing her and not her body. As their unlikely friendship builds, Sugar allows herself to think about the future for the first time, a future not weighed down by her body or her mother.Soon Sugar will have to decide whether to become the girl that Even helps her see within herself or to sink into the darkness of the skin-deep role her family and her life have created for her.___________________________________________________________________________There's one word that could some up my experience with this book: FRUSTRATION!!! Unfortunately, it's not the good kind of frustration (if there can be a good kind of frustration)... I was so frustrated reading this book that I considered quitting! Sometimes you read books and their topic is very serious, you feel bad for the characters, you sympathize with them and you feel for them. In Sugar, I didn't feel none of it.Sugar, as her nickname shows, is a very fat girl that suffers from a really bad case of insecurity. When I started reading this I thought I could connect with Sugar as I myself have never been slim. I've been overweight for the majority of my life but I decided to do something with this and lost the wight. That's the thing, when you don't suffer from some physical condition that prevest you from losing weight, you can do this, you just have to be dedicated to your goal!Sugar hovewer... she is annoying! Sorry, I guess she has reasons to be so insecure and scared, but girl, you're almost adult, you can do something about your life! And Sugar is just whinny, she pitties herself and guess what! For 80 % of the book she does NOTHING!! to change her life. And is it a good role model for young girls that are overweight? I don't think so. Young girls should know that there are ways to be satisfied with being themselves and that they have no reason to let themselves be bullied!Seriously, Sugar lives with her mom, who seems to be the most bitter and horrible person in the whole world. She cannot move from her bed so Sugar has to take care of her. But guess what. Mum is not grateful, Mum just bullies Sugar, yells at her, tells her she is so fat and useless. And Sugar still takes care of her mum... FRUSTRATING!Also, Sugar lives with her brother Skunk, who is also the most annoying and horrible person in the worls. Again, he bullies Sugar not only mentally, but also physically. He's not really afraid to hit her and harm her. And again, guess what? Sugar does nothing! FRUSTRATING!!Then comes Even, this perfect guy who is incredibly handsome, obviously likes Sugar and he's the sweetheart of the book. Also, he is just so implausible, that guy seriously cannot exist. I love sweet boys in YA literature, I fall in love with them so quickly, but I have to believe they could exist. Sorry Even, you're not my fictional boyfriend!My ain proble is that I feel that for the majority of the book nothing happens. And when something finally happens, there's no foreswadowing, you're thrown into it in one sentence. Everything is okay, we live our frustrating lives. By the way, major plot twist happpened yesterday! Can I say something - FRUSTRATING!!!The message is definitely good. Not skinny girls should realize that they can love themselves. This message is huge. But I don't think that those girl would get it from this book. There's also a very distinct division between black and white characters. There are not 50 shades of gray. There are not even two shades of gray. I guess there's no gray at all. You have absolutely horrible characters - Skunk and mum (and I hope that those characters cannot exist either because who could behave like this??) and than super awesome character in Even. No gray...I wanted to enjoy the book so much, I really did. I really wanted to physically harm almost all characters in the book. I didn't like them, I could connect... And that was just too much for me. But I appreciate that there are books about characters that are not perfect. You know, not all girls have beautiful faces and sexy bodies. But what is beautiful and sexy?I received a digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley and Amazon Children's Publishing!Vystavil Petuli v 1:02 | Štítky: Review | 0 komentářů | Odeslat e-mailem BlogThis! Sdílet na X Sdílet ve službě Facebook |
52 Likes by Medeia Sharif
čtvrtek 18. června 2015
Who doesn't like a good mystery/thriller book? I don't know anyone! It's just the tension you feel when you want to figure what had happened, who had done it, that feeling when you find out and you're so shocked! Oh! I love it.So when I saw an opportunity to read a book called 52 Likes by Medeia Sharif, I knew I needed to have the book in my life. Just look at this premise, it sounds amazing!After a brutal rape and near-murder, Valerie wants to get past feelings of victimhood from both the assault and her history of being bullied. Not knowing the identity of her masked rapist and dealing with the nasty rumors about that night are two things that plague her daily.Valerie will have to follow ghostly entities, past victims of the rapist-murderer, contacting her through a social media site. Why do all of their eerie photos have 52 likes under them? Their messages are leading her to the mystery man, although he'll put up a fight to remain hidden.(taken from Goodreads)So, as we found out from the premise, the book starts with the rape scene. Valerie is a young girl that had made some mistakes in her life. And now, she has done the biggest yet - she went to a wrong house and got raped.How can Valerie deal with this? Being raped is one of the worst things that can happen to a girl. Of course, nobody ever thinks it will happen to them.But there are some clues to the case and Valerie follows them. Morover, the clues seem to lead to a kind of supernatural twist. Wow, that's interesting.I mean, this book has a huuuge potential. The topic Shariff dealt with is amazing, I was so pumped to read this book. Rape, young girl, something supernatural, mystery,... you know, it sounds so gripping!Unfortunately, I don't think that the potential was used fully. I cannot imagine what rape victims are going through. I really cannot and honestly, I don't even want to. But Valerie's behaviour seemed very implausible in some times. She was ready to go to school, she dealt with very superficial things and honestly, I couldn't connect with her.Other things I didn't enjoy very much was the supernatural twist. I mean, it's written in the premise of the book, so it's not a spoiler. I do believe that without this twist the book would be better. More mysterious, more unique. With this some things just seemed rushed - like seriously, if you want ghost entities helping to solve tha case, it should be more difficult for them. Maybe they shouldn't be able to send private messages via social networks. But what do I know, I don't get to know any ghostly entities. Lucky me!Also, the dealing with the communication about the actual rape was weird. Valerie doesn't want to tell her brother because he might freak out... undestandably. But then she tells her friend like it would be quite casual thing.And!! The school Valerie attends is super annoying! The kids basically bully everyone and the teachers are cool with that! And the counselor... why do you have counselor that doesn't counsel? That seems like a very useful thing.To sum it up, as you can imagine, I started reading this book with huge expectations. I was a little bit disappointed. That doesn't mean the book is bad. It reads super quickly and it is gripping! The topic is very interesting and I like reading about something serious in YA literature. I just had some problems with it. But I wouldn't be against reading some other books byl Medeia Sharif. I can imagine her books.I received a digital copy from NetGalley in exchange for my review. Thank you NetGalley and Evernight Teen!Vystavil Petuli v 4:33 | Štítky: Review | 0 komentářů | Odeslat e-mailem BlogThis! Sdílet na X Sdílet ve službě Facebook |
How to Enjoy Reading Your Bible by Keith Ferrin
pondělí 15. června 2015
It is very possible that you have this enormous book at home. In fact, it's not only one extra long book, it's many shorter. Yes, you guessed it right - today we are talking about the Bible. Have you ever enjoyed reading your Bible? Have you even been so excited about reading it that you couldn't put it down? Have you ever imagined reading your Bible as you would drink coffee with the God? Just hanging out?No? Don't be scared, you're not the only one. In fact, you're one of many. But Keith Ferrin wants to help you on your journey and that's why he wrote How to Enjoy Reading Your Bible.________________________________________________________________________________And who wouldn't make their reading more enjoyable? I certainly do, so I was full of expectation going to this book. And let me say you - I wasn't disappointed!What does the premise of the book say?When it comes to the Bible, most of us talk about two things: Is it true? And how should it impact our lives? But you may be missing something vitally important: Do you "like" the Bible? If you don't, consistency will always be a struggle, and the Bible will be less likely to transform you.
Keith Ferrin has been talking to churches about enjoying the Bible for years, and now he's compiled his most helpful tips. Written in a friendly, conversational tone, Ferrin teaches you how to develop a relational mindset and to approach the Bible in a way that lines up with the way your brain learns best. "How to Enjoy Reading Your Bible" will help you genuinely love the Bible more, read it more consistently, and apply God's Word to your everyday life.(taken from Goodreads)I don't read non-fiction very often - I have always thought that it cannot be an enjoyable read. That I have to read non-fiction only for my school and studying. Well, I guess that's not true. Even though "How to Enjoy Reading Your Bible" is a non-fiction book, it is a very quicky read. It's quite short (176 pages in paperback edition) but that only shows that enjoying your Bible is no science.I love the language! Keith Ferrin knows people and he knows their experience with Bible but he doesn't tell you: YOU MUST DO THIS! YOU MUST ENJOY IT. No, that would hardly help. He knows how to be funny but how not to make fun of a serious topic. He knows that reading The Bible can be difficult and he gets it. He wats to help you!He gives you 10 tips that are very simple and doable. These tips are some kind of a guide that will help you on your journey with your Bible. And you don't get only the list of tips and bye bye, do what you can. With each chapter - each tip - you also get tasks for the group, or some recommended Scripture reading and what's the most beautiful - prayer at the end of each chapter.Even though the book is short and very readable and you can definitely finish it in two hours, I would recommend reading it slowly. Take your Bible and switch reading How to Enjoy Reading Your Bible for reading your actual Bible. Try out the new tips. They seem easy, right? I can do that! And you can too! I guarantee you that every tip in this book is super easy. But sometimes the easy way is the only thing you need. Don't overthink it!At the end of the day, I really think this book changed my thinking about the Bible. And we want books to change our thinking, to influence us and give us new opinions. As a Christian, I know the importance of the Bible but since reading Ferrin's book, my reading has been changed. And for that, I cannot give it less than 5 stars. For me, this is one of the two most influential Christian reads - together with The Shack by William Paul Young.I received an e-book copy from NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion. Thank you Bethany House and NetGalley! I may buy a physical copy of this book - and I don't do that very often!
Vystavil Petuli v 22:37 | Štítky: Review | 0 komentářů | Odeslat e-mailem BlogThis! Sdílet na X Sdílet ve službě Facebook |
Flight by Charlene Moncrief
neděle 14. června 2015
You know that feeling, you want to read something light and easy. And you pick up a book that looks like this kind of read. And you start reading. It takes some time but you realize, that this book is not the thing you thought it would be...That happened to me with Flight. I was in a mood for cute YA romance story and Flight was my choice. Okay, it's definitely YA, there's some romance but I didn't expect that there would be such a huge paranormal part in the book.Let's start from the beginning. Our main protagonist is called Camille Vanderhale and she comes from a very rich family. Like crazy crazy riich family. Of course, Camille is used to wearing very expensive clothes, to attend every possible social event and do things that go hand in hand with being so high on a social ladder. Camille has two siblings - Joseph about whom she really doesn't care much and Noelle, her younger sister whom she adores. In my opinion, all three of them act like spoiled brats but I guess that's the behaviour that comes with that much money.And then there's the romance with a crazy hot guy called Xavier. This part was really hard because the relationship between Camille and Xavier was a insta-love. Seriously, those two clicked perfectly from the second they saw each other - oh, how realistic! But Xavier is very important to Camille as he helps her with her paranormal side.What's nice and refreshing is that Camille knows she has some weird abilities! And she knows it from the beginning of the story. She tries to hide them but it's not really possible - sometimes it's hard to hide that you can float. The question that shapes the story is: Who is Camille? Or maybe what is she?As Camille tries to figure out the answer, she find oout a lot of things about her family - both about the living one and not living one. And her family history is not the best one you can imagine... It's also nice to see that in the family where money play the main character there are realtionships that will suffer. You cannot buy happiness for your family - you have to earn it.I also very much enjoyed the role of music in Flight. Music is very important to me in my real life so I understood how music can influence our emotions and how people can express their thoughts through it. More music to YA literature!Nonetheless, there are some things that I didn't like:Sometimes, the language used was really weird and it didn't fit the characters. Seriously, which 18-year-old girl would ever say: "Upon closer inspection, I see that this is no boy, but a young adult." I am 22 and I would never say this.And the romance feels cheesy: "I feel the pull - almost familiar to me now - as our breath begins to become one. I lean in, more confident now, and gently place my cheek on his chest." That's so unoriginal. Even if I loved someone with my whole heart (still don't think it's possible), I would loved to breathe on my own - thank you for that!And the last thing I didn't enjoy was the pacing. The story was just too slow for me. I felt like nothing really happened in the first 150 pages. The second half of the book was much better, but those first pages were really hard for me. On the other hand, if you enjoy spending time with the characters, you might enjoy it more than me.Overall, there's a space for a sequel and I wouldn't mind reading it, so if there's one in the future, I will probably pick it up.I received an e-book copy of Flight in exchange for my honest opinion. Thank you Netgalley and Smith Publicity.MY RATING: 3/5 STARSVystavil Petuli v 4:36 | Štítky: Review | 0 komentářů | Odeslat e-mailem BlogThis! Sdílet na X Sdílet ve službě Facebook |
My Summer Biannual Bibliothon TBR
pátek 12. června 2015
I like various read-a-thons. It makes me read - a lot! More than usual. And usually I read a lot. So they make me read more than a lot. But I suck at sticking to some TBR piles. When I know what I am about to read I always lose interest in these books. As I said - I suck at it.From June 21 to June 27 we all can participate in Summer Biannual Bibliothon. And I am going to try! Try really hard! (but lately I feel a bit slumpy...) Summer is full of read-a-thons and as I have more time than usual I want to participate in all of them - but so much reading can take its toll. So I am writing here - I AM NOT SURE I AM GOING TO BE ABLE TO READ ALL OF THIS! If I don't want to read, I just want... Simple as that...There are some tasks to complete during this read-a-thon. I have to admit that I don't like them very much. So I kind of cheated and I picked what I wanted. I just really want to want to read. Get it? Perfect!Let's see the challenges:1. Group BookI really wanted to read another John Green's Book. I hated The Abundance of Katherines but I liked TFIOS. Moreover, the movie is comming out and I cannot watch the movie if I haven'T read the book, you know, that would be pretty lame. I am thinking that maybe I will be able to read it even before Bibliothon starts.
2. Book from your childhoodWhat other book could a 22-year-old girl choose? Please! This is a no-brainer. And it's still short, so perfect for read-a-thoning.3. Companion novel, novella or prequelUnStrung is a novella in Unwind dystology. I read the first book Unwind probably a month or two ago and I loved it! It's so realistic that you get so scared that everything could happen... one day... It's just crazy, but crazy good! So I definitely want to continue with the series and this is obviously the right time.4. Genre you read the leastOkay, I am cheating here. I read fantasy a lot. I just don't want to read the genre I don't enjoy. So I consider The Archived as a subgenre I don't read very often - I honestly don't remember if I ever read ghost book. One day I will be a reader that wants to read books which are not their cup of tea... But it will take me some time. Just wait for it, I'll wait with you.5. Book you did not finishI started it once, I didn't finish it. That's the end of this story. I don't know what happened.I almost always finish the book - so it was this or Pride and Prejudice - I don't understand why people love this classic so much, I am not able to read it, no, no, nooo... And I am not going to try again.6. Book set in the foreign countryI know that this is a sci-fi book but it's supposed to be set in the USA, like not usual USA, but still the USA. And as I live in the Czech Republic almost every published book is set in a foreign country.7. Book about the social issue you are interested inI don't read about social issues much. So I have to used Listopia on Goodreads and some list told me, that this is the book about social issues. And I have it! In paperback - not only in e-book. So there we have the second John Green's book of this week. Show me some magic! Like real life, contemporary magic, you know...Soooo! These are the books I am plannig to read. I am very excited about them, I actually managed to fill the challenges with books I really wanted to read for some time.All right! I hope you arw going to participate in various summer read-a-thons and I will be able to meet you and get to know you. I am also soooo curious about the books other people will be reading.Vystavil Petuli v 23:27 | Štítky: Plans | 0 komentářů | Odeslat e-mailem BlogThis! Sdílet na X Sdílet ve službě Facebook |
Markus Zusak - I Am the Messenger
čtvrtek 11. června 2015
When you hear the name Markus Zusak you connect it with The Book Thief. Well, that book is amazing, so I fully undestand that. Nevertheless, very few people have read I Am the Messenger, which is a shame! This book is one of the most influential books to my life that I've read in a long time!________________________________________________________________________________The premise of the book is:protect the diamondssurvive the clubsdig deep through the spadesfeel the heartsEd Kennedy is an underage cabdriver without much of a future. He's pathetic at playing cards, hopelessly in love with his best friend, Audrey, and utterly devoted to his coffee-drinking dog, the Doorman. His life is one of peaceful routine and incompetence until he inadvertently stops a bank robbery.
That's when the first ace arrives in the mail.
That's when Ed becomes the messenger.
Chosen to care, he makes his way through town helping and hurting (when necessary) until only one question remains: Who's behind Ed's mission?So as we already know from the premise, Ed is a young boy who starts getting card with names or other clues on them. First, he doesn't know what to do with tha cards, you know, imagine you get the card with some adress - What will you do?Ed starts following the clues and he gets to many difficult situation. Very often he still doesn't know what to do even when he is standing in front of the house he was supposed to find. But somehow, he manages to help the people lead better lives.The question and the great mystery of the whole book is: Who sends the cards? Who knows these people so well? Who knows Ed so well?Ed is an amazing character. As a young boy, you can see that he has many problems, he is not happy and to make it short, he has his own things to care about. But somehow, doing all the task, Ed is becoming the character you look up to, he guides you through so many different life situations and you just cannot help but think about your own life, about what can you differently.Many situations may bring tears to your eyes, because they are so real! Anyone can go through them. At the same time, Zusak uses so much wit and irony that you cannot help and laugh! Seriously, this is one of few books that made me laugh out loud (okay, I guess I looked like a complete idiot walking, reading I Am the Messenger and laughing... guess what? I don't CARE!)The moral of the book is just amazing, it blends problems of today's world together with the basic human need - to have a good life! Even though I love the message the book gives me - haha message from I Am the Messenger - get it?, it was quite slow in some middle parts. There's definitely a possibility of re-reading this. Thank you Zusak! (and O boy! Have you noticed that he is actually very handsome???)Vystavil Petuli v 12:44 | Štítky: Review | 0 komentářů | Odeslat e-mailem BlogThis! Sdílet na X Sdílet ve službě Facebook |